This is a visual radio tower broadcasting good vibes to your heart and pineal gland.We provide artist/creative with a supportive platform from which to explore, invent, realize and promote their endeavors. In every collaboration, we believe in passion and compassion instead of hierarchy. In every project, we break formats.
我們為藝術家/創作者提供一個支持性的平台,從中探索、發明、實現和推廣他們的創作。 在合作中,我們相信的是熱情與同理心而不是階級制度。 在項目執行時,我們追求突破形式。
On-Going Projects:
Archived Projects:
The whole team take it to the next level when releasing “自由之地 TERRA INCOGNITA"
We collaborate with EACH MODERN Gallery to host an art event. During the exhibition, there are audio-visual installations, immersive VR MV experience, album premiere party, manuscripts presenting, and dialogue program with the artists.
༺ HARPYJA Mixtape ༻
With the achievements above, we start to lift young talented artists such as LOUI DA 6.
The release of “HARPYJA Mixtape” help LOUI DA 6 gain a lot of respect from the underground gurus.
༺ 過山車 VorTeX ༻
RedLee is a recording artist representing the struggling lifestyle of people in Taipei City. The artist is already well-known in the underground scene, because of his group “8BALL."
We collaborate with RedLee to release and distribute his debut album “ 過山車 VorTeX.” The track"LOVE & The Death Drive” went NO.1 in the city, and is played everywhere. The artist now is recognized by mainstream.
༺ COLD Mixtape ༻
Again we collaborate with young hip hop artist Pony5ibe to release the hottest “COLD Mixtape."
So many tracks went viral, the young artist soon is recognized as the new trend.
The whole team take it to the next level when releasing “自由之地 TERRA INCOGNITA"
We collaborate with EACH MODERN Gallery to host an art event. During the exhibition, there are audio-visual installations, immersive VR MV experience, album premiere party, manuscripts presenting, and dialogue program with the artists.
༺ HARPYJA Mixtape ༻
With the achievements above, we start to lift young talented artists such as LOUI DA 6.
The release of “HARPYJA Mixtape” help LOUI DA 6 gain a lot of respect from the underground gurus.
༺ 過山車 VorTeX ༻
RedLee is a recording artist representing the struggling lifestyle of people in Taipei City. The artist is already well-known in the underground scene, because of his group “8BALL."
We collaborate with RedLee to release and distribute his debut album “ 過山車 VorTeX.” The track"LOVE & The Death Drive” went NO.1 in the city, and is played everywhere. The artist now is recognized by mainstream.
༺ COLD Mixtape ༻
Again we collaborate with young hip hop artist Pony5ibe to release the hottest “COLD Mixtape."
So many tracks went viral, the young artist soon is recognized as the new trend.
༺ 5IBE Season ༻
Pony5ibe is a young hip hop artist representing the new-new wave happening in the greater Chinese region.
We distributed Pony5ibe's latest album “5IBE”, and produced a series of music videos/motion covers with the tracks.
The physical album and live dates will be dropped at the end of MAR 2019.
༺ God Don’t Judge ལྷ་དང་མིའི་མཐའ་སྤྱོད ༻
This is an art statement/movement practiced with five ancient languages, which are Chinese, Hebrew, English, Arabic and Tibet.
We believe God/道 is within us. If one free oneself from the limitation of judging, one will experience God/道.
The physical goods and event will be released in JUN 2019.
༺ We Are Culture ༻
This is an episodic program currently in pre-production and raising funds.
Travel is the process to expand our dimension, and also one of our favorite ways to explore Mother Earth. We travel constantly, physical wise and mental wise. Throughout this process, we discovered and linked up with several vibrant subcultures. This episodic program is meant to radiate these distinctive energies with mixed messages to reflect the new era we currently lived in. You can have a taste here.
All video & image licensing inquiries should be directed to © 2022 MFINC. All rights reserved.